New York Fourteen (14) Day Notice to Quit | NonPayment of Rent Eviction Template

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The New York fourteen (14) day notice to quit for the nonpayment of rent is a letter that informs a tenant that they must either pay an overdue amount or vacate within fourteen (14) days. New York landlords are advised to use the online system to start the process (Inside New York City | Outside New York City) which gives them access to the most up-to-date forms for filing and serving the tenant. Once the notice has been created, it may be served on the tenant to allow them the fourteen (14) day period to vacate the premises or pay the amount due.

When is Rent due? – The tenant must pay rent on the date specified within their rental contract.

Laws RPAPL § 711(2)

There are 3 ways which are accepted as proper delivery of the notice in New York State:

  • Personal Delivery – Notice delivered personally to the tenant.
  • Substituted Service – If the actual tenant is not available for service, give the notice to someone who works or lives on the property. The following weekday, the landlord must mail a copy by certified/registered mail and another copy by regular mail to the tenant.
  • Conspicuous Service – Delivery must be tried at least two times during the course of one day. If failed both times, the person serving may affix a copy to the tenant’s door. The following weekday, a copy must be sent by certified mail and another by regular mail.

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