Ohio Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The Ohio standard residential lease agreement is a one (1) year contract for the rental of a livable space by a tenant. In return for using the premises, the tenant will be required to pay a monthly amount which may include the cost of utilities. The tenant will also need to abide by any terms and conditions stated in the contract. Landlords should take caution with every potential lessee by screening them with the rental application to review their credit, background, and previous housing history. This verification process gives the landlord a good idea of the tenant’s character thus helping them decide whether the individual is in a position to take on a binding lease.


Handbook – Ohio Landlord-Tenant Duties


Lead Paint (§ 5321.18) – Federal law requires landlords to provide this disclosure to the tenants of any housing structure erected before 1978 to inform them of the potential risk of lead paint contained in the dwelling.

Identification – The landlord is required to inform the tenant of their contact information as well as the information of any managers that may be allowed on the property.

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