Washington Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The Washington standard residential lease agreement is used to establish a rental arrangement between a landlord and a tenant. Before accepting an individual as a tenant, the landlord will most likely have interested parties complete a rental application form. Once they have chosen an eligible individual, the new tenant and landlord will look over the written residential lease agreement. The terms and conditions should be fair for both parties before the document is signed. Once the agreement is signed, it becomes legally binding and the landlord will hand the keys over to the tenant.

LawsTitle 59, Chapter 59.18

Required Disclosures

Fire Protection & Evacuation (§ 59.18.060) – Upon leasing, the landlord must give the tenant a copy of fire safety information.

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Required for properties built prior to 1978.

Mold Disclosure (§ 59.18.060(13)) – At signing, the landlord must give the tenant information about the dangers of mold as provided by the Department of Health.

Move-in Checklist (§ 59.18.260) – The landlord is required to provide a move-in checklist if a security deposit is collected.

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Other Versions of the Washington Standard Residential Lease Agreement