Alaska Sublease Agreement Template

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An Alaska Sublease Agreement allows the tenant of a property (called the “Sublessor”) to lease out the currently rented property to another potential tenant (called the “Sublessee”).

The sublessee does not directly pay the landlord but pays the sublessor, who in turn delivers the payment to the landlord. This situation is common for college students or for individuals that want to lessen the burden of their monthly payments by acquiring a roommate.

It is highly recommended that the sublessor do a background check on the potential sublessee(s) as they will be held liable for any damages to the property or any missing rent payments. It is typically required that the lessee notify the landlord of a new sublessee to ensure everyone is on the same page. When the SubLease Agreement is signed, everyone on the property must follow the rules that were instated in the original, master lease agreement.

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