Delaware Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The Delaware Standard Residential Lease Agreement is the most common lease agreement as it provides the usual one (1) year term and enables a tenant to rent a property in exchange for monthly rent payments. The form will include provisions explaining who will be required to pay utilities, the causes of termination, the rent due date and applicable late fees, and all other terms and conditions that will dictate the relationship between parties. To ensure that the property is taken care of by the tenant and that rent is paid on time, the landlord can do two (2) things; demand the individual complete a rental application, and request a security deposit. Once both parties have executed their signature on the document, the lease agreement becomes a binding contract.

LawsChapter 25 – Residential Landlord-Tenant Code


Required Disclosures (3)

Landlord-Tenant Code (Title 25 § 5118) – The landlord must give a copy of the Landlord-Tenant Code to the Tenant.

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Only for any residential dwelling that was constructed prior to 1978.

Owner/Agent Disclosure (Title 25  § 5105) – Owner/Agent must include information in the rental document regarding the owner of the residence.

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