Landlord/Tenant Move-in Move-out Checklist

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The landlord-tenant checklist is required in some States in order to help protect the tenant’s Security Deposit from being fraudulently deducted at the end of the lease term. Both parties, before and at the end of the term, are advised to fill-in the form to ensure that any existing damage on the property was or was not caused by the tenant.

How to Fill-in

At the time of move-in, the landlord and tenant should go into every room and examine the furniture, fixtures, and anything else that may have damage and mark it down. Once both parties agree to the repairs needed the form is to be signed by both landlord and tenant.

At the end of the lease term, both parties should conduct an examination to determine if any new repairs are needed. If so, the landlord will make itemized deductions against the tenant’s Security Deposit.