Idaho Sublease Agreement Template

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The Idaho sublease agreement can be used by the tenant on a property to permit another individual to live in or take over the property. This agreement works without any assistance from the landlord, although the landlord should be informed, and any problems with the sublease are to be directed at the original tenant (known as the “sublessor”). For example, if the new subtenant (called the “sublessee”) does not make payment with the monthly rent, the sublessor is required to pay that month’s rent in full. If the sublessee continues to leave the monthly rent unpaid, the sublessor can utilize this lease agreement in court through the eviction process. To help remedy any problems with the sublessee before they occur, the sublessor can ask the sublessee to complete a rental application, which will give the sublessor access to the sublessee’s background and credit history. This will enable the sublessor to try and determine how trustworthy the sublessee will be before any commitment is made.

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