Kentucky Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The Kentucky standard residential lease agreement focuses on a one (1) year term with monthly payments typically made on the first (1st) of every month. In order for the rental contract to go into effect, both the landlord and tenant must agree on terms and authorize the document with both their signatures. It is advised that the tenant complete a rental application before the landlord binds themselves into an agreement to ensure that the tenant’s financial and employment histories are satisfactory. Furthermore, the landlord can request that the tenant pay a refundable security deposit to cover any potential damages.

LawsChapter 383 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes

Required Disclosures (4)

Authorized Access (§ 383.585) – The landlord must describe the individuals allowed onto the property, such as managers or authorized agents.

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Requires the landlord to provide notice to the tenant about lead-based paint on the property, if and only if the property was constructed before 1978.

Move-in Inspection Form (§ 383.580(2)) – If the landlord accepts a security deposit, the tenant is required to be given a report of the pre-existing damage on the property. The tenant should verify the report and sign.

Security Deposit Receipt (§ 383.580(1)) – It must be stated where the deposit is being held, including the bank’s account number.

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