Massachusetts Standard One (1) Year Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The Massachusetts standard one (1) year residential lease agreement is a one (1) year rental contract between and a landlord and a tenant that can be used for most leasing arrangements regarding residential property. The landlord or their agent should screen potential lessees with a rental application before selecting their candidate and placing the lease into effect. Upon approving the tenant, a security deposit is usually charged (up to one (1) month’s rent) and the agreement is signed making it legally binding to each party.


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Laws Chapter 186: Estates for Years and At-Will

Handbook – Guide to Landlord/Tenant Rights

Required Disclosures (5)

Fire Insurance (Chapter 186, Section 21) – The landlord must disclose the terms and conditions of the fire insurance on the property within fifteen (15) days.

Inventory Checklist (Chapter 186, Section 15B(2)(b)) – Within ten (10) days of either receiving the security deposit or the date of commencement, whichever is later, the landlord must issue a checklist that allows the tenant to write down any and all repairs needed or defects on the premises. The tenant will have fifteen (15) days to return the inventory checklist to the landlord.

This statement is required on the inventory checklist:

This is a statement of the condition of the premises you have leased or rented. You should read it carefully in order to see if it is correct. If it is correct you must sign it. This will show that you agree that the list is correct and complete. If it is not correct, you must attach a separate signed list of any damage which you believe exists in the premises. This statement must be returned to the landlord or his agent within fifteen days after you receive this list or within fifteen days after you move in, whichever is later. If you do not return this list, within the specified time period, a court may later view your failure to return the list as your agreement that the list is complete and correct in any suit which you may bring to recover the security deposit.

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – A federal law that requires all landlords to disclose to their tenants, only if the residence was constructed prior to 1978, that the existence of lead paint may be in the property.

Security Deposit Receipt (Chapter 186, Section 15B(2)(c)) – When the landlord accepts a security deposit from the tenant, a receipt must be issued upon receipt of such security deposit.

Follow-up Deposit Statement (Chapter 186, Section 15B(3)(a)) – Within 30 days of receiving the security deposit, the landlord must issue a separate statement to the tenant containing the following:

  • Bank name and location;
  • Amount of deposit; and
  • The account number of where it is deposited.

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