Massachusetts Sublease Agreement Template

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The Massachusetts sublease agreement allows for a tenant (the “sublessor”) to rent out space that they currently have under lease to another individual (the “sublessee”). This arrangement may be for the partial or total rental of the space. The sublessor should understand that they will be responsible for any sublessee that does not follow the rules of the lease. Examples of this are damage to the premises or the non-payment of rent by the sublessee. For these reasons, it is commonplace to demand that sublessees fill out a rental application before authorizing an agreement.

There are three (3) different types of sublease agreement forms that can be used:

  • Sublease – Take over a tenant’s lease by moving in until the end of the master lease term. Adobe PDF
  • Roommate – To share a bedroom in an apartment/home. Adobe PDF
  • Off-Campus Sublease –  For students seeking to rent their housing unit while they are away (winter/summer break). Adobe PDF

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