Minnesota Fourteen (14) Day Notice to Quit | Eviction Notice for Non-Payment Template

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The Minnesota fourteen (14) day notice to quit is a document that a landlord or property manager serves on a tenant if rent has not been paid. After the notice is submitted, the tenant has fourteen (14) days to either pay the landlord or quit the lease and vacate the premises. Even if they do move out of the rental property on time, they will still have to pay all the money due to the landlord or face further legal action, the cost for which they would be liable.

Notice Period – The fourteen (14) day notice applies to tenancies at will, which are defined in the Minnesota Statutes as “tenanc[ies] in which the tenant holds possession by permission of the landlord but without a fixed ending date.” M.S.A. § 504B.001. No statute expressly dictates a notice requirement for tenancies with a fixed end date (e.g., standard 1-year leases), and therefore, it is recommended to use this 14-day notice as well.

When is Rent Due? – No specific law in the State, but should be stated in the lease.

LawsM.S.A. § 504B.135(b)

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