Nevada Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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The Nevada standard residential lease agreement is designated for landlords and tenants seeking to make a legally binding contract that sets the conditions for occupying a property in return for a monthly payment. What sets the residential lease apart from other types is that it is for a fixed term (usually one (1) year). Before signing any type of agreement, the landlord will usually ask for the tenant to authorize a rental application to make sure that they are financially stable and able to handle the monthly payments. If approved, an agreement should be written and signed by the tenant. After signing, a Security Deposit of no more than three (3) months’ rent should be sent to the landlord (if applicable).

Laws – NRS Chapter 118A (Landlord and Tenant: Dwellings)

Required Disclosures

  • Move-In/Out Checklist – If a Security Deposit was required by the landlord, they must give the tenant this to let them write down any existing damage that may be on the premises before moving in.
  • Lead-Based Paint – Only for housing structures built prior to 1978.
  • Fees (NRS 118A.200) – Any fee that is non-refundable must be stated in the rental contract.
  • Foreclosure (NRS 118A.275) – Foreclosure proceedings pending (if any) must be disclosed to the tenant.


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