Nevada Sub-Lease Agreement Template

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The Nevada sublease agreement is a form that lets a leaseholder rent their leased space to another person. The new tenant, or sublessee, must follow the terms and conditions of the sublease. If they do not, the sublessor will be responsible for any potential eviction or collection matters. The sublessor will remain required to pay the amount stated in the master lease regardless of how much rent the sublessee is paying. Due to the sublessor possessing all responsibility for the sublessee, it is highly recommended that they make all potential subtenants fill in a rental application to ensure that they are creditworthy.

Required Disclosures

  • Move-in Checklist – If the sublessor accepts a Security Deposit (note: there is a maximum of three (3) months allowed in the State), this form must be completed on behalf of the sublessee.
  • Lead-Paint – Only if the housing unit was built prior to 1978.

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