New Jersey Month-to-Month Lease Agreement Template

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The New Jersey month-to-month lease agreement is similar to a standard rental contract except that there is no end date to the term. The period goes on perpetually until one (1) party gives notice to the other indicating their intention to quit the lease. Apart from that, the lessor and lessee must follow all State laws during the tenant’s occupancy. The landlord should be sure to screen the tenant with a rental application prior to signing the lease to make sure that the individual has the financial means to pay the monthly amount.

Rent Increase (Tenant’s Rights in New Jersey, p. 40) – A notice period of at least one (1) full calendar month must be provided when raising the rent. When issuing the increase, the landlord must first either terminate the lease via a Notice to Quit or wait until the current lease expires. The tenant must then sign a new lease incorporating the increased amount.

Minimum Termination Notice (§ 2A:18-56(b)) – Thirty (30) days notice must be given when terminating a lease.

Required Landlord Disclosures

  • Flood Zone – The landlord will need to use this map to see if their property is located in a flood zone. If it is, they will need to let the tenant know.
  • Lead-Based Paint – Only to be given to the tenant if the housing structure was built before 1978.
  • Truth in Renting – This form must be handed out to every tenant if the housing unit is located in a building with two (2) or more units that the landlord doesn’t occupy.
  • Window Guards – If there is an occupant age (10) or younger who resides in a multiple-unit dwelling, the tenants of such dwelling must be informed that the owner is required to install and maintain protective window guards.

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