New Mexico Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The New Mexico standard residential lease agreement is a rental contract wherein a landlord and tenant come to terms regarding the exchange of livable space for monthly payments. The agreement is a fixed-term contract that will last for a term of one (1) year once it has been signed by the parties. The landlord will typically ask for the tenant’s personal, financial, and background information through the rental application to see if they approve of the potential lessee’s character. If the tenant is approved, the landlord will write a lease agreement and, at their sole discretion, ask for a security deposit which may not be more than the equivalent of one (1) month’s rent (§ 47-8-18).

Laws Chapter 46, Article 8 (Owner-Resident Relations)

Handbook – Renter’s Guide

Types of Forms

Disclosures and Forms

  • Lead-Based Paint – Required if the building was built before 1978.
  • Move-in Checklist – Not required but recommended to be given to the tenant to allow them to mark down any repairs currently needed on the property.
  • Identification (§ 47-8-19) – The lease must clearly state the individuals who are allowed to manage the premises.

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