New York Month-to-Month Lease Agreement Template

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The New York month-to-month lease agreement is a rental contract for residential real estate that allows a tenant to occupy space for an unstated period of time. The agreement will continue perpetually until the lessor or lessee gives notice to the other to terminate. Even though the lease can be considered a short-term arrangement, it must follow all State laws, and the landlord will have the same legal and financial exposure as a standard lease agreement. Therefore, the landlord is recommended to screen the potential tenant with a rental application before signing a contract (it is within the landlord’s rights to request a fee for processing the application). Once approved, the month-to-month contract should be written and the security deposit should be paid.

Rent Increase – No statutory definition regarding the amount of notice required for a rent increase.

Minimum Termination Notice (§ 232-A & § 232-B) – One (1) month’s notice if living outside of New York City. Thirty (30) days’ notice if living within New York City.

Disclosure Forms

  • Agency – Only required for use if the property was found through a licensed agent.
  • Bedbugs – Must be given to residents of New York City to inform them of the potential infestation.
  • Lead-Paint – Needed to be signed by all tenants moving into a rental unit that was built before 1978.
  • Move-in Checklist – Should be completed by all tenants after putting down a Security Deposit.
  • Window Guards – Must be delivered to tenants living with a child of the age of ten (10) or younger.

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