South Carolina Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The South Carolina standard residential lease agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of a rental arrangement, specifically the renting of residential property to a tenant. These terms may be negotiated between the tenant and landlord but when the lease has been signed, both parties must adhere to them or face monetary or legal penalties. Before a residential lease is signed, the landlord will most likely want to have the tenant complete a rental application form. This ensures the landlord that the individual is suitable for tenancy and can make the monthly rent payments on time. A residential lease usually spans over the period of one (1) year but the arrangement may be extended as per the parties’ wishes.

LawsTitle 27, Chapter 40 (Residential Landlord and Tenant Act)

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Other Versions of the South Carolina Residential Lease Agreement

  • Association of Realtors (Form 410) | Adobe PDF