South Dakota Month-to-Month Lease Agreement Template

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The South Dakota month-to-month lease agreement is a document that allows a landlord and tenant to come to agreeable terms regarding the use of residential property. This rental contract is applicable to temporary rental arrangements wherein both parties are able to terminate the contract without reason (certain conditions still apply). Furthermore, there is no fixed termination date and the lease renews each month unless either party terminates. All other terms of renting residential property will apply, meaning the tenant will have the same rights and responsibilities as someone renting property for a year or more at a time. The landlord would be wise to use a rental application to vet the potential tenant before signing a lease.

Rent Increase – Landlord may increase the rent amount if they provide at least thirty (30) days’ written notice (§ 43-32-13).

Minimum Termination Notice – Landlord must provide thirty (30) days’ written notice to terminate tenancy; tenant must provide fifteen (15) days’ notice to terminate tenancy (§ 43-32-13).

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