Ohio Sublease Agreement Template

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The Ohio sublease agreement is a real estate document used by tenants that have already signed a lease agreement with a landlord and would like to rent the same space to someone else. The tenant will be required to obtain permission from the landlord if there is no clause in the rental agreement that dictates whether they are allowed to take on sublettors. The sublessor should be aware that they will be held responsible for all actions (or inactions) made by the sublessee (this is especially true in the case of not paying rent, damage to the premises, and vacating the space at the proper time). Furthermore, if an eviction is necessary, the sublessor will be responsible for all costs and damages.


Lead-Based Paint – If the dwelling was built before 1978, the sublessee must be given this disclosure to be informed of whether the property contains lead paint.

Identification (§ 5321.18) – The tenant will need to receive the name, address, and telephone number of the landlord/owner and any other individuals permitted to manage the premises.

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