Alabama Residential Lease Agreement

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An Alabama residential lease agreement is a contract that details the arrangement between a landlord and a tenant, one which provides the tenant with a place to live and the landlord with a guaranteed monthly rent payment. Beyond the amount of the rent payment, a lease agreement will outline which utilities will fall under the tenant’s responsibilities and which are to be paid by the landlord. This agreement can remain in effect for twelve (12) months or longer (depending on the deal agreed upon between the landlord and tenant). Before the tenant signs the agreement, they will generally undergo a credit screening process via submission of information through a rental application.

LawsTitle 35, Chapter 9A (Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act)

Handbook – The Alabama Tenants’ Handbook (PDF)

Required Disclosures (2)

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – Only necessary for housing structures built prior to 1978.

Owner/Manager Identification (§ 35-9A-202) – All agreements must mention the person in charge of maintaining the premises, whether that be the landlord or another individual instructed to act on their behalf — such as an agent.

Versions (2)


Assoc. of Realtors Lease Agreement

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Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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