Florida Month-to-Month Lease Agreement Template

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The Florida month-to-month lease agreement is a document that is employed by landlords and tenants who are looking for a temporary agreement. This document, also called an at-will agreement, is one that renews each month with the payment of rent and has no defined end-date. This enables either party to terminate with a shorter notice period and not inconvenience the other. Despite the more temporary nature of the agreement, it is still recommended that landlords screen their applicants with a rental application.

Minimum Termination Notice (§ 83.57)- A landlord and a tenant must give the other party at least fifteen (15) days’ notice if they plan on terminating the agreement. **Use Official Notice | For Landlords | For Tenants

Rent Increase – While there is no statute that provides a notice period for landlords to operate in regarding rent increase, it is generally considered good practice to provide a tenant with at least one (1) month’s notice.


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