Mississippi Month-to-Month Lease Agreement Template

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The Mississippi month-to-month lease agreement is structured to give the tenant of the property a lease that has no specific end date. The lease is renewed with each of the tenant’s monthly payments. Nonetheless, the tenant must give notice before quitting the premises. The landlord can change the agreement so long as they provide the tenant with at least thirty (30) days’ notice. Even though a tenancy at will enables a comparatively flexible landlord-tenant relationship, both parties should be aware that the same eviction laws surrounding a fixed-term tenancy will apply to month-to-month lease agreements. Therefore, the landlord is encouraged to have the potential lessee fill out a rental application to ensure their finances are in order to pay monthly rent on time.

Rent Increase – No statute.

Minimum Termination Notice (§ 89-8-19(3)) – Either party can terminate the lease by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days’ notice.

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