Nebraska Standard Residential Lease Agreement Template

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The Nebraska standard residential lease agreement is the most popular type of rental contract as it gives both the landlord and tenant security by establishing a fixed-term rental period. Due to the term being usually one (1) year, it is standard for the lessor to check the tenant’s credentials with the rental application. This process benefits the landlord by confirming whether the tenant is currently employed, has good credit, and has a positive leasing record with other landlords. The landlord will usually ask for one (1) month’s rent as a security deposit as that is the State cap (§ 76-1416).

Laws Article 14 (Landlord and Tenant)


  • Identification – The landlord must state in writing any authorized person(s) allowed to enter the premises as permitted by the landlord (§ 76-1416).
  • Lead-Based Paint – If the housing unit was constructed before 1978.

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