Alabama 7-Day Notice to Pay or Quit | Late Rent

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An Alabama seven (7) day notice to pay or vacate is sent to a tenant when they are late on their rent. The landlord will need to check their rental agreement with the landlord and double-check the date that payment is due. Upon making sure the rent is actually late, the landlord will have the right to send the tenant an official notice. After completing the eviction notice, it is highly recommended that the landlord send it via certified mail as it will give the landlord, along with any third party, proof that the tenant did, in fact, receive notice.

If the landlord has a long-standing relationship with the tenant, calling or e-mailing them to get an update on their current financial situation can provide clarification and avoid conflict. Sending the eviction notice can sometimes be insulting and it’s important to present it only as a last resort.

When is Rent due? – Rent is due on the day stated in the rental contract (§ 35-9A-161(c)).

LawsAla. Code 1975 § 35-9A-421(b)

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