Maine Rental Lease Agreement Templates | PDF

Maine rental agreements are primarily used for property owners and managers of commercial or residential property to draw a contract between an individual or entity seeking to rent space. Most agreements are one (1) year in duration, however, the duration of the contract and rental periods can be set at any value defined in the lease. In order for the agreement to be legally valid, it needs to include the required disclosures (see below) and be signed by both parties. It is recommended that lessors and sublessors view the background, credit, and references of their potential tenants to ensure that the applicant is a good candidate to rent the property in question.


Maine Lease Agreements

By Top Downloads

The Maine seven (7) day eviction notice is for a residential landlord to submit to a tenant that is late on their monthly rent payment. Rent is allowed to be paid up to fifteen (15) days’ past its due date before it can be considered late (§ 6028(1)). If rent remains unpaid for seven (7) days or more after it is late, the landlord may issue the eviction notice. Once the notice has been given to the tenant, they have…


The Maine standard residential lease agreement is the standard, one (1) year rental agreement between a landlord and tenant. Once the contract has been signed by both parties (along with all required disclosures) it becomes legally binding to both landlord and tenant for the term stated. It is recommended that the landlord put all potential tenants through a screening process to ensure that they are being truthful about their income and employment. A background check may also be an option…


The Maine rental application helps the landlord of a property screen any applying tenants for commercial or residential space. The form allows for the landlord to view the applicant’s financial credentials along with any references related to their prior renting experience and current/past employers. Depending on how thorough the landlord is in investigating their applicants, they may opt to perform background checks which can take up to three (3) days to conduct and will generally cost a fee (owner/manager may request…


The Maine month-to-month lease agreement, or tenancy at will, is defined as a legal contract that doesn’t have a stated termination date. Instead, the contract renews with each monthly payment and may be canceled at any time with proper notice. The landlord will typically take the same precautions as a standard tenant due to the eviction laws being the same for all types of residential lessees and will therefore request that a rental application be completed. Once complete, the landlord…

A Maine commercial lease agreement can be used by property owners looking to allow a business tenant to occupy their office, industrial, or retail space. A commercial tenant can be either an individual or a business entity and the rental space will often be outfitted or prepared by the landlord in such a way as to suit the business’s operative needs. There are three (3) main ways to structure this type of arrangement: Gross – In which the tenant is…

The Maine sublease agreement (also called the “roommate agreement”) lets a tenant who has a current rental contract (called the “sublessor”) with the property owner/manager rent out space in the rental unit to another individual (called the “sublessee”). This arrangement may be either to share said space or to rent it outright to the sublessee. Typically, a standard lease does not allow the act of subletting by a tenant; if this is the case the tenant will have to seek…


Bedbugs (§ 6021(A)) – If an adjacent unit is infested or being treated for bedbugs, the tenant will need to be made aware through this form.

Energy Efficiency (§ 6030(C)) – This statement must be provided to the tenant to inform them of the energy output of the property.

Lead-Based Paint (Federal Law) – Required for every rental unit built prior to 1978 to warn tenants about the presence of toxic paint.

Radon (§ 6030(D)) – A disclosure must be shown to the tenant and list the last testing results of the property. Starting in 2012 all residential properties must be tested every ten (10) years.

Smoking Policy/Rules (§ 6030(E)) – The lessor must inform the tenant of the places where they can and cannot smoke on the premises.


Maximum (§ 6032) – Landlords may charge up to two (2) months’ rent as a security deposit.

Returning (§ 6033(2)(A)) – Deposits must be returned within thirty (30) days.


Access by Landlord (§ 6025(2)) – The landlord must give at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice before entering the premises for any non-emergency reason.


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