Virginia Rental Lease Agreement Templates | PDF

The Virginia commercial and residential lease agreements permit a landlord and tenant to form a legal relationship with regard to the renting of property. When a property owner wants to rent out a property, they will often hire a landlord to take care of finding a tenant and handling all the work related to renting said property. The list of documents below contains a rental application form that can be used to find an eligible tenant to rent the space. After a tenant has been found, one of the rental agreement forms below can be presented to them. The terms and conditions contained within these documents should be looked over by both landlord and tenant. Once everyone is in agreement, the lease can be signed and the keys handed over to the tenant.


Virginia Lease Agreements

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The Virginia standard residential lease agreement is a legal contract negotiated between two parties; a tenant and a landlord. The landlord in charge of renting out a residential property to an interested party will present this document to a prospective tenant (after having vetted them using a rental application form). The terms contained within the agreement should be fair for both parties and all conditions should be read over carefully before signatures are inscribed. The lease will include terms such…


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The Virginia rental application is a document that is completed by a prospective tenant wishing to rent residential property from a landlord. This application form, once completed by the tenant, provides the landlord with the necessary information to decide whether or not the individual would be a good tenant. The applicant must enter their contact information, previous rental information, employment information, and a few pieces of financial information. The landlord has the right to charge a fee for processing and other…


The Virginia month-to-month rental agreement is used by landlords to rent property to tenants for an indefinite period of time with the tenant paying rent on a monthly basis. This rental arrangement is the same as any other standard residential lease agreement in the sense that the two parties are bound by the same rental laws in accordance with State statutes. Furthermore, the rental agreement will contain terms and conditions, such as landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities, that are…


A Virginia commercial lease agreement is a document constructed for the purpose of setting terms for the renting of retail, office, or industrial space. The two parties involved in the arrangement are the landlord and the tenant. Before accepting a tenant as the renter of a particular commercial property, the landlord will look into the business interested in the space by performing a background check, credit check, rental history check, and any other vetting processes they see fit. After the…


The Virginia sublease agreement is used by a tenant looking to rent out the entirety or a portion of their current rented space. The tenant (sublessor), being bound by their lease agreement with their landlord, must ask permission before presenting a sublease agreement to a prospective sublessee. If the landlord approves of the sublease, the tenant can negotiate the terms thereof with the sublessee. The original tenant will be fully responsible for the sublessee and any violation(s) of the sublease,…


Lead-Based Paint – Federal law requires that this disclosure be presented to all prospective tenants renting a dwelling that was built prior to 1978.

Military Zone (§ 55.1-1217) – If the housing unit is located in a military air installation, the landlord must present this notice to the tenant.

Mold (§ 55.1-1215) – If mold is found during the move-in inspection, the tenant will have the right to terminate the agreement or require the landlord to remove the substance.

Move-in Checklist (§ 55.1-1214) – This disclosure reveals all damages to the property and must be delivered to a tenant within five (5) days of occupancy.

Owner/Manager Identification (§ 55.1-1216) – All persons authorized to enter the premises, whether it be the landlord or their representative, must be identified in writing and the list provided to the tenant.

Sub-metering of Energy (§ 55.1-1212) – If all the utilities are on one (1) meter, or there is no clear way of distinguishing the tenant's utilities from the landlord's or others, then the fees associated with utilities must be included in the agreement.


Maximum – The landlord may only charge up to two (2) months' rent at the beginning of occupancy for a security deposit (§ 55.1-1226A).

Returning – The landlord must give back any and all funds associated with the deposit, minus any deductions, within forty-five (45) days of termination of the tenancy (§ 55.1-1226A).


Twenty-four (24) hours' notice is required should the landlord wish to access the tenant's rented property (§ 55.1-1229A).


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