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The Rhode Island sublease agreement allows a tenant that is under a rental contract to lease their rented space, or a portion thereof, to another individual (sublessee). The original tenant, or sublessor, is fully responsible for the sublessee and must adhere to all State laws just as a landlord would with a lessee. Therefore, a rental application should be required for all potential sub-tenants. Furthermore, the original tenant must always obtain permission from the landlord. The sublessor will be held…

The Virginia rental application is a document that is completed by a prospective tenant wishing to rent residential property from a landlord. This application form, once completed by the tenant, provides the landlord with the necessary information to decide whether or not the individual would be a good tenant. The applicant must enter their contact information, previous rental information, employment information, and a few pieces of financial information. The landlord has the right to charge a fee for processing and other…

The New Hampshire sublease agreement allows a fixed-term leaseholder to rent a portion or the entirety of their rental space to another party known as a “sublessee.” The document is primarily used by roommates and university students who intend to leave the premises for an extended period. More often than not, the property manager/owner must be notified of the sublease agreement as the original lease may forbid subletting without their consent. If this is the case, the lessor’s signature is…

The North Dakota month-to-month lease agreement is a rental contract for a tenant who wants to lease property with a condition that they, or the landlord, may cancel the agreement with at least thirty (30) days’ notice. If the landlord gives notice to change any part of the terms and conditions, the tenant may terminate the lease within twenty-five (25) days (§ 47-16-15(3)). The landlord should understand that they will have to follow the same process for evicting a monthly…

The Montana month-to-month lease agreement is a rental contract between a landlord and tenant that renews every month upon payment by the tenant. This type of arrangement may be terminated, altered, or changed by giving at least thirty (30) days’ notice to either party (§ 70-24-441). Even though the lease is considered a short-term contract, both parties are required to follow all State laws (see handbook) and the landlord is recommended to check every potential applicant’s background and credit with…