Alaska Commercial Lease Agreement Template
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The Minnesota month-to-month lease agreement is an agreement for tenants seeking a type of contract with no set termination date and that allows them to leave with notice equivalent to one payment period. The landlord should approach the month-to-month agreement with the same cautiousness as one would a standard lease agreement as they will be legally required to carry out the same eviction process for at-will tenants should it be necessary. Therefore, every potential lessee should be screened through the rental…
The New Jersey standard residential lease agreement is a contract that assigns a monthly amount to be paid by a tenant in return for occupying a property owner’s rental space. The agreement outlines the rules and regulations of the property in addition to which party will be responsible for paying utilities. Once signed, the agreement becomes legally binding and both parties will be required to operate in accordance with its terms and conditions. Before the landlord signs the contract, they…
The Ohio month-to-month rental agreement is a special type of contract that has no predetermined end date and may be terminated by either the landlord or tenant with at least thirty (30) days’ notice. Despite the unique nature of this type of tenancy, the landlord and tenant will be bound by the same eviction procedures that govern fixed-term leases. Therefore, it is imperative that the property owner/manager ask the lessee for their personal information and income credentials with the rental…
The California three-day notice to quit form is designated for a tenant late on their rent to decide whether to pay all that is owed to the landlord within the provided timeframe or move out. The form is to be filled in by the landlord and is to be properly served upon the tenant (See flow chart). Often a landlord, if they have a longstanding relationship with the tenant, will provide a verbal warning to show good faith. When is…
The Delaware Sublease Agreement is a form often employed by college students or individuals who reside in two different cities who wish to save money on rent. The document provides the tenant with the ability to lease off their apartment or a room therein to a sublessee for a pre-determined period of time. Many landlords do not allow sublessees as it heightens the likelihood of damage to the property. For this reason, the landlord should be contacted before any applicants are…