Tennessee Commercial Lease Agreement Template
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The California sublease agreement will allow a tenant (sublessor) of a property to introduce a subtenant, called a “sublessee.” This type of agreement splits up the rent between the sublessee and the sublessor(s) to provide the latter party with financial relief. This document is strictly between the abovementioned parties and does not involve the landlord directly (although the landlord should be notified of the sublessee prior to the signing of the sublease). It should be stated that the master lease…
The landlord-tenant checklist is required in some States in order to help protect the tenant’s Security Deposit from being fraudulently deducted at the end of the lease term. Both parties, before and at the end of the term, are advised to fill-in the form to ensure that any existing damage on the property was or was not caused by the tenant. How to Fill-in At the time of move-in, the landlord and tenant should go into every room and examine…
The South Carolina sublease agreement is a document used by a tenant (currently renting a property for a landlord) who wishes to rent all or a part of their rental space to another individual. This process is called subleasing and it requires that the landlord agrees to this situation. The original tenant, called a “sublessor,” accepts the responsibility of having a sublessee rent the property. This means that the sublessor could be liable for any issues caused by the sublessee,…
The Wyoming three (3) day notice to quit is a document that is designated for tenants that are behind on their rent and is issued by a landlord. The tenant will have three (3) days to either pay all the rent due to the landlord or face an eviction through a process called an “unlawful detainer”. The tenant may choose to pay the rent due and remain bound to their current lease agreement. If the tenant decides to move out…
An Alaska rental application is a document generally used by a landlord of a rental property to screen their tenants, ensuring that the accepted individual is someone responsible and honest who can afford to pay the rental costs and can be expected to do so in a punctual manner. The landlord is within their rights to charge any applicant for the application fee associated with any background check and the like. This cost can be applied whether the potential tenant…