Below a landlord may download eviction notices, also known as “notices to pay or quit”, that are required when submitting to a tenant when rent is late, there is non-compliance according to the lease or notice to vacate. This type of document, typically referred to as a ‘notice to quit’, allows the lessee a time-frame when they may be able to pay all late rent (sometimes including penalties) before a specific date or else they have to move-out. If the tenant remains on the premises past the date specified in the notice and has not paid the landlord, they are committing an ‘unlawful detainer and the landlord may pursue the State process for eviction.
Notice Periods – It is imperative that with any eviction notice written that the laws are viewed in your State so that you can accurately input the correct number (#) of days for notice.
3 Eviction Types
Notice to Pay or Quit Rent – Sent to the tenant when rent is late. Some States have “grace periods” so it is always best to check to see when this form may be serviced. If the rent is not paid, including all late fees, by the end of the notice period then the tenant will be in illegal possession of the property and will be required to vacate immediately.
Notice to Comply or Quit – Given when the tenant has made a lease violation other than rent. This is most commonly used as a noise complaint and the landlord can request that if the violation is not cured within the suggested time-frame then the lease will become terminated.
Lease Termination Letter (for a Month to Month Lease only) – Use this to terminate a tenancy at will in accordance wit the laws in the respective State.
By State
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington (state)
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
How to Write (Notice to Pay or Quit Rent)
Step 1 – Check the laws in your State to see how much time to give the tenant. Once that is complete you can download the eviction notice in either Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx) and begin to fill-in.
Step 2 – Enter the name of the person(s) to whom the notice shall be delivered
Step 3 – Premises – Complete the following:
- City of location of the premises to be quit or vacated
- State
- Zip Code
- Street address
- Enter the date in which the lease was signed in dd/m/yy format
- Provide the state name
- Enter the number of days that the tenant has to vacate
- Enter the name of the person to whom any funds owed should be paid
- Provide the amount to be paid
- Enter the following –
- Amount owed
- Due from date in mm/dd/yy format to mm/dd/yy format
Step 4 – Forfeiture of Lease –
- Landlord should carefully review the information in this section
- Landlord or Agent’s Signature
Step 5 – Certificate of Service –
- This section shall be reserved for whomever serves the document to the tenant
- Server must enter the date of service in dd/m/yy format and the name of the person who accepted the document
- Check the box indicating the method of service
- Signature of server
How to Write (Notice to Comply or Quit)
Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF (.pdf) or Microsoft Word (.docx).
Step 2 – Landlord or Agent must submit the name of the person(s) to whom the notice would be delivered
Step 3 – Premises – Complete the following:
- City of location of the premises in which the tenant(s) must comply or be vacated
- County
- State
- Zip Code
- Street address
- Apartment number if any
- Enter the state in which the premises is situated
- Submit the days after service of the document that the tenant(s) have to comply or vacate
- Describe the violation to be remedied
Step 4 – Forfeiture of Lease –
- Landlord should carefully review the information in this section
- Landlord or Agent’s Signature
Step 5 – Certificate of Service –
- This section shall be reserved for whomever serves the document to the tenant
- Server must enter the date of service in dd/m/yy format and the name of the person who accepted the document at the time of service
- Check the box indicating the method of service that was used to deliver the document
- Signature of server

Notice to Comply or Quit (Lease Violation) Adobe PDF – Microsoft Word (.docx)
How to Write (Lease Termination Letter
Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF (.pdf) or Microsoft Word (.docx).
Step 2 – Landlord or Tenant Written Notification –
- Select and check the box that indicates who is providing service of termination
- Once selected, enter:
- The date of the execution of the document in dd/m/yy format
- Submit the selected date of termination of the lease in dd/m/yy format
- Enter the number of days from the next payment date
Step 3 – Security Deposit – Enter the following information for which the security deposit may be returned after the final inspection:
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
Step 4 – Move Out Information –
- The parties must agree on a final walk through inspection date
- Tenant(s) must arrange to have utilities discontinued or moved to a new location
- If the landlord prefers to return services to their account it is the responsibility of the landlord to inform the tenant
Step 5 – Signature –
- Signature and printed name of the party to provide service of the document
Step 6 – Certificate of Service –
- This section shall be reserved foe the individual serving the document to the tenant
- Process server must enter the date of service in dd/m/yy format as well, the name of the person who accepts the document
- Check the box indicating the method of service that was used to successfully deliver the document
- Signature of process server

Lease Termination Letter for Month to Month Tenancy (Adobe PDF – Microsoft Word (.docx))
Notice Periods by State
- Late Rent: 7 days. § 35-9A-421(b)
- Non-Compliance: 7 days. § 35-9A-421(a)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 35-9A-441(b)
- Late Rent: 7 days. AS 34.03.220 (b)
- Non-Compliance: 10 days. AS 34.03.160
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. AS 34.03.290
- Late Rent: 5 days. A.R.S. § 33-1368(A)(2)
- Non-Compliance: 10 days. A.R.S. § 33-1368(A)(2)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. A.R.S § 33-1375(B)
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 18-60-304(3)
- Non-Compliance: 14 days. § 18-17-701
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 18-17-704
- Late Rent: 3 days. CA Civ Pro Code § 1161(2)
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. CA Civ Pro Code § 1161(3)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days for tenancies under a year, and 60 days if the tenant has been on the property for a year or more. CA Civ Pro Code § 1946.1
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 13-40-104(d)
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 13-40-107.5(4)(a)
- Month to Month Termination: § 13-40-107
- 1 year or longer – 91 days.
- 6 months to less than 1 year – 28 days.
- 1 month to less than 6 months – 7 days.
- 1 week to less than 1 month – 3 days.
- less than 1 week – 1 day.
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 47a-23(a)
- Non-Compliance: 15 days. § 47a-23(a)
- Month to Month Termination: Not defined but 30 days is recommended.
- Late Rent: 5 days. 25 Del. C. § 5502
- Non-Compliance: 7 days. 25 Del. C. § 5513
- Month to Month Termination: 60 days. 25 Del. C. § 5106
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 83.56(3)
- Non-Compliance: 7 days. § 83.56(2)
- Month to Month Termination: 15 days. § 83.57(3)
- Late Rent: Immediate. § 44-7-50(a)
- Non-Compliance: Immediate. § 44-7-50(a)
- Month to Month Termination: Landlords must give 60 days, whereas tenants must give 30 days. § 44-7-7
- Late Rent: 15 days. § 521-68
- Non-Compliance: 10 days. § 521-72
- Month to Month Termination: Landlords must give at least 45 days’ notice while tenants must grant at least 28 days. § 521-71
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 6-303(2)
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 6-303(3)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 55-208
- Late Rent: 5 days. 735 ILCS 5/9-209
- Non-Compliance: 10 days. 735 ILCS 5/2-210
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. 735 ILCS 5/9-207
- Late Rent: 10 days. IC 32-31-1-6
- Non-Compliance: Reasonable amount of time. IC 32-31-7-7(b)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. IC 32-31-1-1
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 562A.27
- Non-Compliance: 7 days. § 562A.27(1)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 562A.34
- Late Rent: 10 days. § 58-2507
- Non-Compliance: 14 days for the tenant to “cure” the issue and 30 days to vacate if the violation has not been cured. If it is the tenant’s second (2nd) violation in the last 6-months then the landlord has the right to terminate the lease with 14 days notice. § 58-2564
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 58-2570
- Late Rent: 7 days. (Heavily varies depending on local law.)
- Non-Compliance: 15 days. (Heavily varies depending on local law.)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. (Heavily varies depending on local law.)
- Late Rent: 5 days. CCP 4701
- Non-Compliance: 5 days. CCP 4701
- Month to Month Termination: 10 days. CC 2728
- Late Rent: 7 days. § 6002(1)(C)
- Non-Compliance: 7 days. § 6002(1)(B)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 6002
- Late Rent: 10 days. § 8-401
- Non-Compliance: 30 days. § 8-402.1
- Month to Month Termination: 60 days. § 8-402
- Late Rent: 14 days. M.G.L.A. 186 § 11)
- Non-Compliance: No statutory requirement but 30 days is recommended.
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. M.G.L.A. 186 § 12
- Late Rent: 7 days. § 554.134(2)
- Non-Compliance: 30 days, unless the violations include illegal activity (24-hour notice) or substantial damage to the property (7-day notice). § 554.134(1)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 554.134(1)
- Late Rent: None. § 504B.291. (14 days’ notice for “at-will” leases. § 504B.135(b))
- Non-Compliance: Immediate.
- Month to Month Termination: One payment interval or 3 months’ notice, whichever is less. 504B.135(a)
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 89-7-27
- Non-Compliance: 14 days with the option to cure for first (1st) offenses. 14 days without an option to cure for second (2nd) offenses. § 89-8-13
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 89-8-19(3)
- Late Rent: Immediate. § 535-010
- Non-Compliance: 10 days. § 441.040
- Month to Month Termination: One month. § 441.060(3)
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 70-24-422(2)
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 70-24-422(d)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 70-24-441
- Late Rent: 7 days. § 76-1431(2)
- Non-Compliance: 14 days to cure. If not cured, then the lease cancels within 30 days. If the non-compliance occurs at least twice in the previous 6-months then the landlord may also terminate the lease with 14 days’ notice. § 76-1431(1)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 76-1437(2)
- Late Rent: 7 days. NRS 40.2512
- Non-Compliance: 5 days. NRS 40.2516
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. NRS 40.251
New Hampshire
- Late Rent: 7 days. § 540:2 II(a) and § 540:3 I
- Non-Compliance: 30 days. § 540:3 II
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 540:3 II
New Jersey
- Late Rent: 30 days. None; however, one month if the landlord habitually accepted late rent. § 2A:18-61.2
- Non-Compliance: 30 days. 2A:18-53
- Month to Month Termination: One month. § 2A: 18-56
New Mexico
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 47-8-33(D)
- Non-Compliance: 7 days. § 47-8-33
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 47-8-37
New York
- Late Rent: 14 days. § 711.2
- Non-Compliance: 30 days. § 753.4
- Month to Month Termination: One month. § 232-a and § 232-b
North Carolina
- Late Rent: 10 days. § 42-3
- Non-Compliance: Immediate. § 42-26(a)(2) and § 42-27
- Month to Month Termination: 7 days. § 42-14
North Dakota
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 47-32-01.4
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 47-32-01(8) and § 47-32-02
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 47-16-07
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 1923.02 & § 1923.04
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 1923.02 & § 1923.04
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 5321.17(B)
- Late Rent: 5 days. Title 41 § 131
- Non-Compliance: 10 days to cure, 15 days to evict. Title 41 § 132(B)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. Title 41 § 131(A)
- Late Rent: 10 or 13 days. § 90.394(2)
- Non-Compliance: 14 days. If the tenant has committed the same act within the last 6-months then the landlord has the option to void the lease agreement and force the tenant to leave within 10 days. § 90.392
- Month to Month Termination: 330/90 days. § 90.427
- Late Rent: 10 days. § 501(b)
- Non-Compliance: 15 days for tenants that have been on the premises for a year or less and 30 days for tenants that have been on the property for more than 1-year. § 501(b)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 250.501
Rhode Island
- Late Rent: 5 days’ notice upon rent being 15 days late. § 34-18-35
- Non-Compliance: 20 days. § 34-18-36
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 34-18-37(b)
South Carolina
- Late Rent: 5 days. § 27-40-710(B)
- Non-Compliance: 14 days. § 27-40-710(A)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 27-40-770(b)
South Dakota
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 21-16-1(4)
- Non-Compliance: Within a “reasonable time.” § 43-32-18
- Month to Month Termination: One month. § 43-32-15
- Late Rent: 14 days. § 66-28-505(a)(2) & § 66-7-109
- Non-Compliance: 30 days. § 66-7-109(b)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 66-28-512(b)
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 24.005
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 24.005
- Month to Month Termination: One month. § 91.001
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 78B-6-802(1)(c)
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 78B-6-802(1)(h)
- Month to Month Termination: 15 days. § 78B-6-802(1)(b)(i)
- Late Rent: 14 days. § 4467(a)
- Non-Compliance: 30 days. § 4467(b)(1)
- Month to Month Termination: 60/90 days. § 4467(c)(1)
- Late Rent: 14 days. § 55.1-1245(F)
- Non-Compliance: 30 days. § 55.1-1245(A)
- Month to Month Termination: 30 days. § 55.1-1253(A)
- Late Rent: 14 days. § 59.12.030(3)
- Non-Compliance: 10 days. 59.12.030(4)
- Month to Month Termination: 20 days. § 59.18.200(1)(a)
West Virginia
- Late Rent: No specific notice required. § 55-3A-1
- Non-Compliance: No specific notice required. § 55-3A-1
- Month to Month Termination: One month. § 37-6-5
- Late Rent & Non-Compliance: 5 days leases of a year or less, 30 days if more than a year. If the tenant has violated the lease (late rent or violation) of the same type in the last 12-months then the landlord can terminate the lease with at least fourteen (14) days’ notice. § 704.17(2)(a) & 704.17(2)(b)
- Month to Month Termination: 28 days. § 704.19(3)
- Late Rent: 3 days. § 1-21-1002 & 1-21-1003
- Non-Compliance: 3 days. § 1-21-1002 & 1-21-1003
- Month to Month Termination: No specific period is required, but 30 days is recommended.